Mini Partner

Foto: Grillen Burgerbar

Mini Partner is for participants in the tourism industry such as cafés, museums, amusement parks, zoos, galleries, swimming pools etc. Everyone who has an interest in collaporating on our guests' experience.

Advantages as a mini partner

  • Showing of 1 product on,
  • Brochures in physical tourist information Østergade 21, Herning
  • Recipient of news letter and information sheet from VisitHerning
  • Access to "membership site" with texts, images etc. about the destination for own marketing use
  • Invitation to annual membership meeting (autumn)
  • Invitation to annual general meeting with possibility to vote
  • When VisitHerning considers it relevant, the single member can take part in a campaign or similar
  • Opportunity to participate with offers in the VisitHerning app
  • Participation in competency development
  • Participation in tourism development activities
  • Guidance in tourism related matters

COST: DKR. 1,400,-/annually

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Members in VisitHerning
Jyllands Park Zoo
Tourism Partner